
A Few Words

Cuban art

I purchased the art you see on this site in Cuba. I’ve been to Cuba several times and have met many artists.  Most of the art was purchased directly from the artist.

I was struck by the charm of Cuban Art on my first trip to Cuba.  I find the colors and compositions to be striking.

Cuban art is an exceptionally diverse cultural blend of African, North & South American, and European elements reflecting the diverse demographic make-up of the island.

I purchase Cuban Art so that artists can have exposure for their art in the US.  This is my way of trying to help the Cuban people during difficult times.  “What do you do with the proceeds?” a gallery owner recently asked me. “Go back and buy more!” I answered.

These are my most recent acquisitions from artists in Trinidad, Santiago, Camaguey & Cienfuegos.  Their work has been exhibited in the Art Bar in Kingston,NY;  Fletcher’s in Woodstock, NY; & Upstairs Art in Phoenicia, NY. ,  The Gazebo on Main St in Phoenicia.

For more info, please contact me.

NOVEMBER 2022 UN VOTES OVERWHELMINGLY TO CONDEM US EMBARGO OF CUBA. Of the 193-member General Assembly, 185 countries voted in support of the condemnation. Only the US and Israel voted against the resolution, signaling their support in upholding the embargo,…The Center for Democracy

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